About Us
Our love and long line of being involved in the agriculture sector has enabled us to develop such an innovative, sustainable and durable agriculture based company.
Our founder, George Halloun has been persistent with works in the agriculture sector since a young age. "For the longest time my father owned farms as an investment, cattle and invested in other farmers and their products, from cherry farms in Young, to the North Coast of NSW with our berries and even our WA farmers with hard crops such as wheat and canola.”
George's love and curiosity for the agriculture sector has been profound in his research and development in the creation of H2GROW.
“I want to change the way we look at agriculture and farming… Create sustainability in the face of adversity in relation to droughts and floods, to keep farmers in business and to inform and also teach our youth about our produce.”
Our competitors are selling hydroponic and aeroponic businesses for inflated prices with little to no support. That's not us and one thing we guarantee our clients on is that we would keep costs down and provide hands on support with direct lines to our team for any questions and queries.
We work hand in hand with Engineers, Farmers, Scientists, Consultants and Governments to ensure that we can find the best economical and sustainable solutions for the agriculture sector and the every-day Australian.